EKS simulation game – updates

All project partners have been busy working on the simulation game that will be one of the main outputs of the EKS project. The very first step was to create the scenarios for the games that followed the template. We have covered five main areas: Creativity, Complex problem solving, Critical thinking, People management, Coordinating with others, and each area of the game was foreseen to be divided into three levels of complexity. This led to 15 scenarios in total, giving the ability to play and learn about one’s capabilities in the areas mentioned above.

As the game is expected to be accessible through a web browser, we had to select the appropriate development environment that would provide sufficient capabilities to make things possible. Out of plethora of available frameworks that allow to create games for web, we decided to use Godot supported by GDScript programming language. Godot is a framework that allows to create both 2D and 3D games that can be published to many different devices, including websites.

So far we have created the engine that will be used for all the scenarios and now the development works focus on transferring the scenarios to this engine. As soon as the level is completed, it is shared with project partners for further feedback and improvements.

Stay tuned for the upcoming updates on the EKS simulation game developments!