Research raport

Despite the unusual atmosphere in Europe in the recent weeks, the work on the project “Entrepreneurship is the key to success” runs at full speed!

One of the first tasks before the partnership was the implementation of a desk research at national level in order to provide a state of the art what are the particular aspects of the skills that the simulation game (a part of the first project intellectual output) should focus on, at which level the base knowledge should be set and how deep/ detailed in each subject should the scenarios be, how advanced should the pieces of theoretical information provided be.

The research was divided in two phases – desk research and questionnaires. During the desk research we analysed statistical data, looked for existing policies, good practices and activities related to the active involved of young people on the labour market with the aim to identify the current situation of young people not in employment, education or training (NEETs) and find out a set of skills that young people need to have to become entrepreneurs.

Full version of the report could be downloaded from here!

Stay tuned for more news!