5 skills for entrepreneurial mindset and active life

While it is true that many international studies and the research included in this project have traced some social and family triggers, it is equally true that there is no such thing as a vocation to be Neet and that this condition is mostly the result of an unsatisfactory outcome of a pathway.

In other words, becoming NEET is ultimately the result of disappointment, the failure of expectations with respect to a life project that does not turn out to be valid.

Those who are NEET refuse to use the skills on which the EKS project focuses, which are useful life skills even before entrepreneurship.

In this perspective, the training and improvement of skills for entrepreneurship is fundamental to the recovery of the resilience of the individual and becomes a resource that can be used in all situations of life not only in professional development.

Being able to apply creativity, critical thinking, coordinating with others, managing human resources and operating a complex problem-solving process contributes to build an effective approach valid for all spheres of life.

The EKS project is at an advanced stage and is about to launch the pilot phase of the online game to train these skills. The game is useful for NEETs and is strongly focused on the development of an entrepreneurial mindset, but it could also be used by young people who are just entering the world of work as a preventive activity against giving up on life, which manifests itself for example in the renunciation of positive and active confrontation with everyday life.

Follow the project activities and be ready to try the pilot game and send your feedback!

Your contribution is essential to reach the goal!