Kick-off Transnational Project Meeting was held in Odense, Denmark between 26th-27th of November 2019, where all project partners took an active part in drawing the project development map for the next 2 years of milestones. The meeting was hosted by BrainLog in House of Code premises with the special support of Startup Odense.
The meeting started with a welcome note from the coordinator BrainLog and a short presentation of all participants, and their organisations. Further overview of the project focused on major operational issues and the necessary steps for the creation of the first intellectual output – EKS Simulation game. The purpose of IO1 is the creation of a simulation game which will offer 5 scenarios which will allow the users to improve the following skills: complex problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, people management and coordination with others.
One of the first tasks before the partnership is the implementation of a desk research at national level in order to provide a state of the art what are the particular aspects of the skills that the game should focus on, at which level the base knowledge should be set and how deep/ detailed in each subject should the scenarios be, how advanced should the pieces of theoretical information provided be. The conclusions and findings from those researches will serve as a stepping stone for the creation of scenarios for the game. Each partner will provide a national state of the art report till the end of March 2020. During the second transnational meeting which will be held in Porto on 6th and 7th April 2020 the partnership will begin to develop the different scenarios.